Warning: if you're squeemish, do NOT scroll down ;o)
Sorry for having ignored you. The reason is that I was in hospital to have my gall bladder removed.
Below you'll see the 'harvest'. They are not even all there, some of them got lost in the process.
Small wonder that I have been feeling rather nauseous recently.....
The operation was done on Tuesday afternoon via laparascopy, which means I now have four 'holes' in my tummy, two larger ones and two smaller ones which resemble crosses (very apt, eh?).
I came home on Thursday afternoon, a day later than planned, because after the first evening after the operation when I felt just fine, I went downhill rapidly the following day. On Thursday afternoon I finally felt well enough to go home.
All this means that my poor little Henrietta Whiskers is still not completed, but I'm getting there! Sitting up for too long to stitch makes the incisions feel really sore, so I just have to give in an lie down.
Other than that, I feel reborn. No more nausea, a lot more energy, even only a few days after the operation. YAY!